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HubSpot Growth-Driven Design Agency Exam

Is it possible to break up the quote and give a fixed price the strategy and launch pad phases separate from the continuous improvement...

Yes - This approach typically works best for medium sized companies and websites. No - We do not want to complicate and confuse the prospect. It is best...

Why is the overall cost of Growth-Driven Design higher than traditional web design? Choose the BEST explanation from below.

The overall cost is higher because the client is getting more value from the months of continuous improvement after the initial launch. More people are involved in a...

In which of the following scenarios would it be a good idea to pitch both traditional web design and Growth-Driven Design and allow prospects...

The prospect who is unsure about Growth-Driven Design because they don’t fully understand why the process is better. The prospect loves the Growth-Driven Design concept, but you are...

You are talking to a prospect who is not currently interested in marketing services. They only want help building a new website. Should you...

Yes - As long as you set the right expectations, you can start them on a Growth-Driven Design only retainer and look to upsell them into marketing services...

Which of the following is the BEST question to ask your prospects in the sales process in order to understand their pain points they’ve...

"Tell me about your previous website redesigns? What went well and not so well?" “When was the last time you did a website redesign for your business?” “How...

You’re explaining the Growth-Driven Design methodology to a prospect. Overall they love the methodology, however, they ask you, “I don’t want a half-built website...

“The launch pad website is a complete website that will both look and perform better than your website today. However, it is not the end-all-be-all and will not...

True or false? Only large, enterprise companies are a good fit for Growth-Driven Design.

False - Growth-Driven Design works for any company in any industry, however, you may have to adapt your approach to best fit the client. False - Growth-Driven Design...

According to the training, what is the BEST long-term strategy for generating a consistent and predictable lead source for your sales team?

Invest in developing an inbound marketing program to market your own agency and treat yourself like your own best client. Build a robust referral program to gain new...