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HubSpot Growth-Driven Design Agency Exam

According to the training, which of the following BEST describes the reports presented in the State of the Union?

An overview of the previous cycle’s action items, cycle impact, and next steps, and a high-level view of the overall program. Very detailed breakdown of all the experiments,...

Which of the following is NOT a best practice for updating your agency’s process?

Make the transition fun, exciting and empower the team to take ownership in the process. Build a different process for each pod so they can have their own...

Fill in the blank: When you are starting to work with a new subcontractor or agency partner, the BEST type of work to give...

"a small, internal project on your own agency’s website" “action items from an existing client’s continuous improvement cycle" “a new client’s launch pad website” “these are all good,...

Which of the following is the BEST strategy for managing both Growth-Driven Design and traditional web design clients at the same time?

Create two different pods for each process and run them as two independent units with two different processes. Work on traditional web design clients projects the first and...

According to the training, what are the primary roles of the strategist?

Ensure the most impactful items are being worked on, lead client and team communication, and project management of the cycle and individual tasks. Perform the user research, interpret...

According to the training, what skill sets are in the three-person Growth-Driven Design pod?

Strategist, user experience, and designer/developer Copywriter, designer, and developer Developer, marketer, and project manager Designer, developer, and project managerHubSpot Growth-Driven Design Agency Certification Exam Answers