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Microsoft Advertising Search Certification

What is it called when a user clicks through to an advertiser’s website from a sponsored search listing?

Impression Click Conversion Rate ConversionInstant Download Microsoft Advertising Search Certification AnswersPass Microsoft Advertising Certified Professional (MACP) Certification Exam & Earn Certificate.

How many sales an advertiser is getting per number of clicks is known as:

Impression Click Conversion Rate ConversionInstant Download Microsoft Advertising Search Certification AnswersPass Microsoft Advertising Certified Professional (MACP) Certification Exam & Earn Certificate.

What does CTR stand for?

Click-through register Click-through rate Click-to register Click-through resultsInstant Download Microsoft Advertising Search Certification AnswersPass Microsoft Advertising Certified Professional (MACP) Certification Exam & Earn Certificate.

What do web crawlers do?

They install themselves on your computer to deliver advertising. They are adware. They index web pages for the search engines. They are a kind of database software. They...

Paid search follows a Pay Per Click, or PPC, advertising model. Using this system, an advertiser only pays when a consumer clicks on their...

True FalseInstant Download Microsoft Advertising Search Certification AnswersPass Microsoft Advertising Certified Professional (MACP) Certification Exam & Earn Certificate.

Celine is a camera retailer who wants to create engaging ads with images of what products are sold from the catalog. What ad type...

Expanded text ads Product ads Responsive search ads Ad customizersInstant Download Microsoft Advertising Search Certification AnswersPass Microsoft Advertising Certified Professional (MACP) Certification Exam & Earn Certificate.

Contoso Ski House wants its keyword ‘winter vacations’ to match to queries such as ‘winter vacations discount’ but not ‘Hawaii vacations’. Which keyword match...

Phrase match Modifier match Broad match Exact matchInstant Download Microsoft Advertising Search Certification AnswersPass Microsoft Advertising Certified Professional (MACP) Certification Exam & Earn Certificate.

When you are testing your Responsive Search Ad (RSA), which of the following is recommended?

Test 4 to 5 RSAs in an ad group with 3 expanded text ads. Test 4 to 5 RSAs in an ad group with 1 expanded text ad. ...

Contoso Desserts is new to Microsoft Advertising and wants to implement conversion tracking. What is the first step?

Generate a universal event tracking tag Add conversions to its campaign reports Create a conversion goal Apply a remarketing audienceInstant Download Microsoft Advertising Search Certification AnswersPass Microsoft Advertising...

Emily is creating a campaign for a large insurance company’s auto insurance and is choosing an automated bid strategy. The aim is to use...

Target cost per action Enhanced cost per click Maximize conversions Target impression shareInstant Download Microsoft Advertising Search Certification AnswersPass Microsoft Advertising Certified Professional (MACP) Certification Exam & Earn...